About Katherine Prum
I often say I’ve been coaching since kindergarten. Long before coaching became a thing, people sought me out for my intuitive input and guidance. It was a relief to discover a name for what has always come naturally to me. I have been honing my abilities ever since.
I seem to have been destined to specialize in transition coaching, given the myriad transitions I’ve navigated in my own life including: 25 moves, 18 schools, multiple international living, working, and traveling adventures, 8 career reinventions, 6 layoffs, 12 impactful deaths of loved ones, 1 bankruptcy, 3 miscarriages, an ever-evolving spiritual development, many more life-defining transitions and counting…
Becoming an End of Life Doula was a natural outcome of my own evolution. Early in the covid pandemic, I sat in my garden, glorying in the brilliance and serenity of that clear Spring morning. I was flooded with the recognition that I must not dither or delay any longer, but step fully into my own dharma. I registered for the University of Vermont’s End-of-Life Doula Professional Certificate doula training program that same day.
I had been preparing to make this most significant personal and professional transition for over a decade.
In 2009, I met Sobonfu Somé, a teacher from the Dagara tribe of Burkina Faso, West Africa. It was while participating in a grief ritual for which Sobonfu was most well known that I began to release and heal my own grief from the death of my father when I was 15. Soon after my first transformational experience, I began organizing grief rituals with Sobonfu in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Sobonfu taught that grief is a shared experience; individual grief affects us all personally and collectively, and all grief is the community’s grief.
Her teaching influenced how I now live purposefully. It also has informed my approach to the coach/doula consulting relationship, as a mutual experience.
I have been a strategic coach and consultant, helping individuals and organizations clarify and achieve their vision of success. My career spans over 25 years in relationship management and marketing roles for corporate, non-profit and higher education organizations.
I have a Masters in Business Administration from Simmons School of Management, and a Bachelors in Art History, summa cum laude, from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. I trained in Shamanic healing with Ann Drake, PhD, and studied Nirodha Karma Healing with John Wyrick. I am a David Kessler Certified Grief Educator, as well as a Certified Nurses Assistant (CNA).
My approach is a unique blend of conventional, holistic, and indigenous practice and experience.